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Breaktime Bible Study: The Way Out

The Way Out

But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. Psalm 59:16

Instead of falling prey to the evil surrounding him, David sang. His way out was turning attention from the evil to God in song. His heart for God is expressed through words put to melody. He began his day by breaking out in song, expressing his love for God. He describes God as his fortress and refuge.

Today could be the best day ever when we begin with praise. When we awake, we can feed our soul by reminding ourselves of the love of God amid our troubles. When we are convinced of God’s love, we want to start there instead of approaching the sin of the day. When we touch the love of God, the need for sin and evil grows cold.

But we may not be able to express ourselves through love, but we can slow down and know He is God. How has God shown His love for you lately? His banner over us is love, and running there will give you the strength to face today. We can run into the refuge provided all day long and find the resources we need to carry us through the troubles of life. Some days are harder than others, and we may have to practice more than others, but today is a good day to begin. Today in the Workplace How can you start practicing God’s love?

Breaktime Bible Study: The Way Out

1. Read Today’s Breaktime

2. Review Scripture But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. Psalm 59:16 3

.Answer These Questions:

What is David doing in this passage?

What are your morning practices?

What troubles are you facing?

How does David face his troubles?

What can you do?